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Bus outdoor keypad with RFID reader 13,56 MHz

Type: 1KPAD2318LU

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The keypad is a component of JABLOTRON system. The keypad with contactless RFID reader is used to control the alarm system, to activate a PG output and to control access to the building. The keypad features one control segment, a reading surface and optical signaling. The product is suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is powered from the control panel bus. The product is designed for installation by a trained technician with a valid Jablotron certificate. This product is compatible with JA-103Kx and JA-107Kx.


Always connect the bus when the system is completely powered off.
  1. Remove the locking screw (6) and open the keypad cover.
  2. Install the plastic base to a chosen place on a wall so that the tamper contact (5) can be sufficiently compressed when the installation is complete.
  3. Pull the keypad cable through the hole in the plastic base.
  4. Connect the bus cable into the terminal blocks according to the colours and markings – red terminal +U, yellow A, green B, black GND. For connection outside the armed area, we recommend using the JA-110T isolator.
  5. Follow the instructions stated in the control panel installation manual. Basic procedure:
    1. Once powered on, the yellow LED (3) flashes to indicate that the keypad is not assigned to the system.
    2. Open the F-Link software, select an unused position in the Devices tab and click on the Enrol button to enter the Enrolment mode.
    3. Press the tamper, this action enrols the keypad and the yellow LED turns off.
  6. Close the product cover and secure it with the locking screw (6).
Fig. 1: Description of the extrenal and internal parts of the keypad
1 – red LED – indicates armed section; 2 – green LED – indicates disarmed section; 3 – yellow LED – indicates fault/service/not- assigning to the system; 4 – keypad and reading surface; 5 – tamper; 6 – locking screw; 7 – programmable pins; 8 – piezo; 9 – serial number;

Notice: Programmable pins (7) are for production purposes only.

Setting the properties

To set the properties, use the F-Link program, select the Devices tab. At the product/keypad position, click the Enter prompt in the Internal settings column.

Section and PG output control is performed by the means of buttons with locks.

Optical indication shows the status of a function assigned to the segment. Red LED indicates an armed/turned on PG. Green LED indicates a disarmed section/turned off PG. Yellow LED indicates a fault by permanent light.

The asterisk symbol * signifies the factory default setting.

Segment function (section/PG selection)

*None / Unsetting / Setting / Section indication / PG Off/On / PG ON / PG OFF / PG indication / PG indicates inversely

*Options Unsetting/Setting, PG Off/On / PG ON / PG OFF allow you to enable requiring authorization every time you control a segment. If this option is disabled, authorization is only required during unsetting. (A segment can control a different section than it is assigned to).

Acoustic indication of selected sections

Alarm: *On/Off: Signalizes ongoing alarm in an assigned section.

Entrance delay: *On/Off: Signalizes entry delay in a section to which it is assigned.

Exit delay: *On/Off: Signalizes exit delay in a section to which it is assigned.

Exit delay when partially set: On/*Off

Segment status change: Keypad acoustic indicates section to which is assigned.

Mute: On/*Off: If it is selected ON, keypad will not acoustically signalize exit, alarm and push keypad buttons etc.

Properties and indication

Behaviour of optical indication may be set in the F-Link software by selecting from the following options:

Indicates permanently – LED 1 or LED 2 lights up permanently/signals the status of the PG/section.

By pressing only – by pressing a key or applying a card/chip, the signalling is activated and the LED displays the status of the PG/section for 8 seconds.

After valid authorisation in acc. with EN50131-1 – by entering the password or by reading a card of a user that is defined within the system, the current status of a PG/section is displayed.

Backlight intensity

May be adjusted with a slider in F-Link.

Authorised action

Authorisation triggers an entrance delay: On/Off*: If the section, in which the reader is assigned, is in an armed state, authorisation by the means of reading a card induces an entry delay. Simultaneously it activates a PG. If the section in which the keypad is assigned is in an armed state, authorization by reading a card will result in an entry delay. It simultaneously activates the PG marked by the Controls PG option.

The keypad can be used to control PGs that have the Impulse or Change function set. These functions can be set in the internal settings of the F-Link.

Technical specifications

Powerfrom the control panel bus, 12 V, DC (8-15 V)
Quiescent current consumption15 mA
Maximal current consumption80 mA
Type of control deviceA
NFC frequency13.56 MHz
Maximum RFID magnetic field strength10.37 dBuA/m (3 m)
Compatible RFID cardNFC, Mifare® Classic, Mifare® DESFire® 4, 7 Byte UID
Dimensions46 x 151.5 x 25 mm
Weight196 g
Connection cable length 3.0 m
Operating temperature range-25 °C to +60 °C
Relative humidity75% RH, non-condensation
Environment according toIV. outdoor general
ClassificationGrade 2 according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3
Additionally in compliance withETSI EN 300 330, EN 50130-4, EN 55032, EN IEC 62368-1, EN IEC 63000
Recommended screw3 x ø 3.5 x 40 mm (flat head)

MIFARE® is a registered trademark owned by NXP B.V. There is no affiliation between NXP B.V. and JABLOTRON a.s.

JABLOTRON a.s. hereby declares that product 1KPAD2318LU is in compliance with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation: Directives No: 2014/53/EU, 2014/35/EU, 2014/30/EU, 2011/65/EU. The original of the conformity assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com – Section Downloads.
Note: Disposing of this product correctly will help save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment, which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling. Please return the product to the dealer or contact your local authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point.
